I Designed this balloon. Cool right? (It popped)
Our first post!
Activity #1: Throw water balloons off of a high point (such as a balcony) and try to catch them in a garbage bag!
People- 2
-Water Balloons
- Garbage Bag
Fun! {5 stars}. We threw water balloons off of a balcony. We had a couple of mishaps but overall it was really fun. Definitely try to throw them back up! And we designed some water balloons with sharpies! If you have a birdbath, try and throw into it.
Here are some pictures! (Sorry, couldn't get any pics of the action)
Carolyn=B's Big Sis
We named balloons after people we knew. If they survived the fall, they would live a long and happy life!
Hehe. Humpty Dumpty!
B Designed this one. ;D